Tuesday 6 January 2009

Not Dead

I feel very disappointed with myself for letting this blog go into disuse. But never fear! Rachie is back, and boy has she got some stories to tell!
I'm approaching my 21st birthday soon (21st Jan, if you want to get me a present) and looking back on the few posts I did, my 19 year old self is very different to what I am now, though that Rachie-brand of excitement is still certainly there.
I can't go into great details about my life at the moment, as I'm about to leave for another hard working day of labour at ye olde Waterstone's. So how about a quick round up?
I have left university, leaving with an ordinary degree.
A boy has come and gone in my life, leaving some very deep scars.
I now work full-time in Waterstone's until I find my calling in life.
I finally moved out of my grandparents house.
I will, this weekend, unfortunately be moving back in with them as I have managed to get myself into debt living away from home.
I now have the best cat in the world! His Majesty the Honorable Sir Duke of Cattington. He's a 7 month old tabby, and he's my world.
2008 was a rather depressing year...
Until I discovered something called the Law of Attraction through the book 'The Secret'. It has changed me in many profound ways.
2009 will be my year, mark my words.

Right, money must be earned. I promise more entries, with varied topics and general wonderfullness on my part.
Much love,


tommy said...

that is a good cat name right there.

Alex said...

Bravo to you Rachael, I hope it will be your year and if i have anything to say about it; it jolly well will.