Sunday 2 September 2007

*dusts blog*

I do apologise for my lack of updates since July (jezzy crezzy that's a long time!) But I have returned!

After I came home from Japan (oh just wait, I'll get back to that in a minute), I got totally wrapped up in working full time and as such have had little time or energy to update with an entry worthy of a review of Japan.

I wont bore you of every detail, so I'll give a summary. To sum up the holiday, it was a-fucking-mazing! Whoever said Japan is an expensive country to vist was lying! It's so cheap over there! Ok, the flights are pricey, I'll give you that, but once you get there, you make up for all the money you spent on the 10million hour flight to get to the country.

We weren't as culture shocked as we thought we'd be when we got there. I knew it was going to be as crazy as I expected, and I loved it. Though the first few days in Tokyo kind of sucked because Rhona was ill and homesick and we were all confused and it was too hot.

We travelled all over the country, trying to see as much as we could possibly see in the three weeks we had. We went to Tokyo, Sapporo, Aomori, Sendai, Nagano, Matsumoto, Nagoya, Kyoto, Osaka, Hiroshima, Beppu and then back to Tokyo. I wasn't too keen on Aomori, Sendai or Hiroshima, but all the rest were good. My favourite place was definitely Kyoto, I love love LOVED it :D

I have pictures on my bebo profile (username Rachie--- if you want to add me) I would post some here but you know me, I'm lazy.

I really hope I can go back to Japan at some point to see more of what I missed. There was loads we could have seen but it was the wrong time of year and such. Ah well, I have my whole life. Me and Rhona were saying that the other day, we're both only 19years old and we've already been to Japan! That's like, the furthest away from Scotland you can get...unless you count the moon.

Not much excitment to tell of since I got home from my holiday. Working full time is fun (yes I am crazy) I still love my job and I've really enjoyed being given more responsibility in the shop. I've been given a new section as well, which I'm excited about. I've got Sci Fi/Horror/Manga/Graphic Novels. I'll need to brush up on my knowledge as much as I can for the run up to Christmas (yes, it's being mentioned already) as no doubt I'll get all the Sci Fi geeks asking me obscure questions about obscure books. Oh the fun!
Much love to everyone.